Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heritage Halls

Next on our list of on-campus housing options is Heritage Halls. Once again, since I did not live at Heritage Halls, I asked a friend who lived there last year and here's what he had to say about it. Thanks Kyle Borcik

The Apartment Layout:
You will be sharing a room with another person, aka two beds in one bedroom.
All the dorms are like this, no escaping it if that isn't your style.
However give it a try and it is a great way to really bond with someone. Just like when you had to share with you sister. Keep your fingers crossed that the person you get assigned cleans up after themselves. You each have a closet, share a desk, and your own set of cabinets.

Each apartment has three bedrooms inside it. So it will be you and your assigned roomate and two other rooms just like yours. Then there is a kitchen so that you can do lots of you're own cooking (this really helps you feel away from home: i.e. the real college experience). The kitchen doubles as a living room, they have a couch in there to watch movies and hangout.
The opposite sex is not allowed in the bedrooms but is welcome anytime before midnight in the kitchen and living room. Unlike Helaman Halls, that only has two hours set aside where the opposite sex can come in and visit--lame. They do most of their socializing in their lobbys.

The Food Situation:
Chances are you are on a meal plan as a freshman. When I was a freshmen, Heritage had the best meal plan. Helamen was limited to certain places. This might have changed but you can use your meal plan at:
Creamery, Cougareat, Legends Grill (Athletics Bldg), The Blue Line Grill (Tanner Bldg), MOA cafe (Upstairs of the Museum of Art), Canon Center. Any place on campus you had access to.
This is extremely important because at the canon center you will get tired of the canon center every day. It is important to get some variety and Heritage has it for you.
The down side is that there is no vending machines in Heritage Halls (unless recently added).

Social Life:
Heritage Halls is not near as social as Helaman Halls. If you are new and looking to make friends, start with your roomates. Chances are one is from close-by and has grown up with people that go to BYU. When they go meet people, find a polite way to tag along. Go from there. Like a tree branch out from friends to their friends to their friends and their roomates and so on. Don't be afraid to ask to hang out or ask for phone numbers from people you have just met. Invite them to tag along with you sometime. Even better make friends with someone in Helaman and get them to show you around. The canon center is a great way to meet people.

The Fun Stuff:
There is a volleyball court. Find a friend with a volleyball and enjoy meeting new people and the sport. If finding people is a problem, knocking on random people's doors and asking strangers to come play is not uncommon. Not to mention you make some more friends.
The creamery is closeby, enjoy some time getting some ice cream or eating at the grill. The best deal at the frill is the kids meal. It is the creameies biggest secret. It is four dollars, you get burger fries drink and ice cream.
There is a giant field close by on the northside of the dorms. It is right outside where you go to church. Start up a game of ulitmate or soccer. Or learn how to slack line.
Walk to the Marriot Center at night time and play hide and seek. Kinda childish and lame, grab the right people and you can turn it around pretty quick and have a good time.
In the basement of each hall it comes equipped with either a pool table or ping pong table and basic television and cable. Time to hone your skills.

Overall, plenty to do. Not socially deprived, the best living arrangements and more free on opposite sex visiting, and the best meal plan. Heritage is a great place to live.

Here is the link to look at BYU's information on Heritage Halls