Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Commons at the Cannon Center

If you live at Helaman Halls, you should get a meal plan. As a freshmen, you most likely won't have a car, which rules out convenient grocery shopping. Also, in contrast to Heritage Halls and Wyview Park, Helaman Halls have no kitchen in your living space. So even if you wanted to be a dedicated cook your first year, it will be much harder to do than you think. Also, you might not realize it now, but moving away from home can be a pretty stressful experience at times. Not having to worry about food is one less thing for you to deal with your first year out.

Behold, I present to you The Commons at the Cannon Center.
(You should actually click on that link. Their website is user friendly and provides great pictures. Their hours of operation are important to pay attention too. Make sure you memorize when breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served hot!)

The Cannon Center is not only the closest food to you, but has a really great social atmosphere. If you're afraid of the freshman 15, this place is the reason why. But in my opinion, it is one of the best things BYU ever built. The Cannon Center is buffet style and with one swipe of your Signature Card, you have access to it all.
As I mentioned earlier, this place has a great social atmosphere. It is one of the great perks of eating there. Almost every time you go, you see people you know, meet people you didn't know, and can even spend much more time there than you'd expect.
Not only is the Cannon Center essential to getting the full experience of Helaman Halls, but don't forget about the vending machines you'll have access to 24/7. They really are a beautiful thing.

If you were having doubts about obtaining a meal plan, I hope you don't now.
You can click here for information about the available Meal Plans

These pictures were taken when it was just finishing up on construction last spring/summer

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