Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wyview Park

Next up on our list of dorms for most freshman to live in is Wyview.

Wyview Park is the newest accommodation for freshman. Previously married housing, Wyview has been remodeled and furnished for comfortable living. Amenities include a refrigerator, a microwave, and furniture. Vacuums are available for check-out from your RA during cleaning checks.

Wyview is an apartment style dorm. Unlike Heritage, there is no commons or central area to meet. One would walk straight into their apartment from the outside. This has provided controversy to some freshman, saying that it has been harder to meet people that way.

Wyview has accommodations for three or four roommate apartments. There are three floors per building, and two to three stairwells per building, with six apartments per stairwell. Those who wish to live with four people should know that very right most apartments are the only apartments that can accommodate four people.

In each three person apartment, there is one shared bedroom (the students will use bunkbeds) and one single room. (In the case of a four person apartment, there are two single rooms and one shared room.) There is one bathroom per apartment.

Wyview has the same visiting hours as a regular BYU-approved off-campus apartment has. Members of the opposite gender are permitted in the living room and kitchen until midnight, and on Friday they are permitted until 1:30 am.

While Wyview is arguable the most comfortable place to live while living in the BYU dorms, it is also the furthest away from campus. A good half-hour walk from campus, many students opt to buy a bus pass or hitch rides from friends.

There is also a chapel in Wyview Park, but keep in mind that not all wards will meet in there. The chapel is in the Wyview central building, which is where one would go if they have lost a key or even attend ward prayer. Next door to the central building is the Wyview Creamery. It is a small creamery but it has the basic foods that most people need. In the back of the Creamery is the laundry facility. The washers and dryers will only take quarters or money from a student's signature card (the latter method is cheaper).

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask!
A special thanks to Li-Sha for giving me this information (because I never lived at Wyview)


  1. Thanks, this really helped! Is Wyview Park only for freshman? Can transfer students choose at Wyview Park? Thanks again!

  2. This is great information. Thank you! I have the same question as she does: is Wyview only for freshman? Or can transfer students also live there?
